Violas - Shop


We grow a selected of range of violas - the dwarf, hardy, perennial types, all raised from cuttings. Whilst not strictly alpines, their use and culture fit well and many people choose to use them on a rockery. They will flower from spring 'til autumn.

They are outstanding planted in containers - 3 to 5 plants planted in a decent-sized container will flower for weeks. If they get too tired and leggy, chop them hard back, maybe give them a wee feed and they will soon be in flower again. Great value.

In the garden, they are easy to grow and adaptable. Even if using them on a rock garden is a step too far for your tastes, they are still good garden plants for the fronts of borders, along path edges etc. and always look best planted in groups.

They like sunshine but don't mind light shade and they enjoy good soil - a bit richer than most alpines might like. They dislike drought, so a moisture-retentive (but well-drained) soil or compost is best.

Finally, most of them have a very distinctive fragrance. Also, we like just a few stems as miniature cut flowers placed in a bud vase on the kitchen table where they scent the room and cheer us with their wee faces. Lovely.

We have decided to temporarily remove all out Violas - they just aren't good enough to sell. A wet summer, no sunshine, leaf spots etc., etc.