8 Sempervivum Mixed collection
- Collection of 8 different Sempervivum, mixed
- £24.00
Our selection of 8 different Sempervivum (Houseleeks) with a range of sizes, types and colours, the best plants available at the time of ordering - we hope similar to this order sent to a customer one August. We offer more details on these fascinating plants and show our full range on our Sempervivum page.
All are named cultivars and will be sent labelled. If you order more than one collection we would normally send as many different ones as we are able but if you wish to order, for example, 3 lots the same (24 plants, 3 of each in 8 varieties) please leave us a message in the Special Instructions box as you pass through checkout.
These are well-grown, hard little plants, usually with a number of 'babies' or offsets attached. You may plant directly in the garden or larger pot and they will give instant effect with no waiting for them to root or develop their best colour. We grow this collection in 9cm pots in a gritty compost containing loam and surround the plant with grit. No, we're not as cheap as some other nurseries but these are grown to high standards and offer excellent value - we don't think you will be disappointed!
Price does not include postage.